As promised, I have not waited four months to return to this sphere of the Internet and I am happy to grace you all with a brand new post. Currently, there is nothing pertinent to discuss, less the past three alcohol infused days I called my weekend. So if this sounds in any way boring or if you're worried about a possible over share on my part, I'd suggest you stop reading and watch this:
Alright, so for all who are left, this weekend, for lack of a better word, was a doozy. In true 'i-wish-i-was-still-a-senior-in-college' form, I started this rodeo on Thursday. Rookie mistake, I know, but give me a brake, I was antsy. Side note-I am not kidding, as I am writing this I honestly have to search the depths of my brain to remember that far. Ok memory found. Thursday night was.....Cassie's birthday!
...OK scratch this, I have just realized how awful of a story teller I am. The weekend was fun but I seriously don't feel like recounting every detail it in a textual format. This honestly just felt like when you're on a trip and have to make that dreaded phone call to your mom who wants to hear everything you've done for the past week but you really don't want to waist 30 of life recounting your day trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Yes, I took a picture where it looks like I am trying to lift it back up. No, I didn't get car sick on the bus there. Anything else?
Unfortunately I don't know what to write about now. I'm sorry this is so unorganized, stream of conscious writing after a lot of drinking is the same as getting in the car the morning after a lot of drinking.: You sit down, you start, you think its the same ol' jig and then you come to the realization in the middle of the go around that something a little funny about this....
Anyways, enough comparisons.
I think I should just stop while I'm ahead.... or maybe behind.
what a weak post, next one will be better.
I'd really watch the video link for all of you are still reading, it's of a lot better caliber than the rest of content I just shared
Catch youz on the flip side,